Friday, August 25, 2017

Modern Sunflower

Today I am stepping a bit out of my comfort zone. I have been seeing sunflowers in all sorts of colors that are, let's say, not "traditional"... like in purples, pinks and blues. Since my brain just automatically goes to yellow when I think of sunflower I have a hard time with other colors. But I did it and it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be...

The background was lots of fun and you might not guess how I did it, so here are the steps:

- I stamped one of the sunflower images all over in Bermuda Bay ink onto watercolor paper
- then I stamped the 2nd sunflower image all over that in Island Indigo ink
- I then spritzed it really wet and let the ink run

SO MUCH FUN... you have to try this out...

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