just a little reminder

just a little reminder
Just a little reminder: I do use "retired" items in my projects so current customers can get inspired! You will notice that once you click on the listed items as they will not show up in my SU! store

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stamp Clubs and Gifts

Each month I have my stamp club meetings and enjoy them and the ladies a lot!

My Thursday Group came to an end in May and we started back over this month. We had selected our newest member (Hi Courtney!) to be hostess for June and decided to "draw" for the other months at the meeting.

Each stamp club member gets a free catalog, but because I have everybody pre-purchase the new catalogs, I give them each a coupon for XX amount to be redeemed during their hostess month...

Well, I always give little gifts to the members for joining (or renewing) so I just wrote the months on each of the coupons and put inside the gifts. When the members came in they just took their gift and with that picked their month..

Here is the group shot of the little gifts:

baby container_group

And a close up:

baby container_for club members 

This are little baby food containers (Thanks Becky for the idea!) - I've decorated them with DSP! What a great way to use up the retiring DSP... I put a DSP Tag, cut with the "lots of tags" die on the lid because it was a little frustrating to cut the perfect lid (to corners are rounded different than our punch). I've punched the holes with the crop-a-dile (the big bite) and inserted ribbon for a handle. The rest you can see... And besides the coupon there is also lots of chocolate in them :-)

If you are local and would like to be part of a stamp club, we have a few openings in the Thursday and Tuesday group. We meet in the first week of each month at 6:00pm (either Tuesday or Thursday...). Please contact me if you need more info or would like to join in on the fun!

I might be back with more later. Coffee first and then some work...

Have a wonderful Sunday!

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