
************************************************************************************************************************ Just a little reminder: I do use "retired" items in my projects so current customers can get inspired! You will notice that once you click on the listed items as they will not show up in my SU! store! ALL cards are now posted to Facebook only! So please be sure to click on the link below...


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Well Said and Brusho

Today I felt like experimenting a bit with Brusho crystals and masks... I did this on Facebook live... I will share the video below!

Here is my messy creation

Here is the video:

And I have to confess that I've reached into my folder with masks and promptly pulled out a retired one... sorry about that... however it's no big deal, I think, as you can do this with ANY of them...Fun, fun! Give it a try..

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Glue Dots

1 comment:

  1. Awesome card Claudia! I love the fact that you didn’t even know how it was going to turn out and you filmed it for all of us to see! Thank you so much I think it turned out awesome!


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