
************************************************************************************************************************ Just a little reminder: I do use "retired" items in my projects so current customers can get inspired! You will notice that once you click on the listed items as they will not show up in my SU! store! ALL cards are now posted to Facebook only! So please be sure to click on the link below...


Saturday, March 19, 2016

My Stampin' Up! Anniversary and Blog Candy

So on March the 18th was my anniversary with Stampin' Up! and I almost forgot about it... BUT my upline Dena was so nice and sent me a special card! That was so sweet of her and made my day! Here is the pretty card:

The card made me so happy that I decided to do a little blog candy give-away! And it's simple... all you have to do is guess how long I've been a Stampin' Up! demonstrator ;-)

The person who guesses the correct years, will win:
1 Pack of Rhinestones, 1 Pack of Paper Doilies, 1 Pack of Dimensionals and 1 Pack of the Botanical Gardens Designer Vellum!

Here are the "rules"
- You must comment on this post here on my blog before 6PM EST on 3/21/16! 
(not on Facebook or Google Plus, etc... but right here in the comment section below my signature)
- If you don't have a google account, you must sign your complete name and add email addy so I can contact you for mailing info and also announce the correct winner
- one entry only
- If no one gets the exact year, the one with the closest number will win
- If we have several correct, then the first one with correct number will win. The others will get a special card from me
- my downline girls can't play, sorry!

Happy guessing!


  1. Thank you oh great mentor, so glad I met Bettye in Atl and she told me about you!!! I started hanging out 8 yrs ago and you were doing it for going with 15yrs!!! A great card...pinned it!

  2. 13 years. Becky Watson...

  3. Awww man! Happy Anniversary; you're the best!

  4. I'm guessing 16 years. Dillie Elliott. ddeliot@aol

  5. I guess 16 years! You're the best demo ever!!!

  6. Congrats on your anniversary! And thanks for the daily inspiration! Oh, my guess is 14 years.
    Deb Harrelson

  7. Congratulations for celebrating another anniversary with Stampin Up! Many, many thanks for the wonderful ways that you inspire us as a teacher and friend. You are truly special.

  8. ....and I think this may be your 18th anniversary.

  9. Claudia, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 18. Jubiläum als Demo! Bitte mach' weiter so! Bin von deinen Karten immer ganz begeistert!
    liebe Grüße

  10. I am going to guess 17 years, I guess you started when you were just a teenager ! !

  11. I am going to guess 17 years, you must have started when you were a teenager

  12. I thought I entered before but it isn't showing, but 19 years is my guess - Allysha


Comments are pending upon approval, but will be posted ASAP once I've seen them!

If you are commenting using the "Anonymous" setting, please be sure to sign your name and add your email in the comment, especially if you are asking a question... This way I can reply back to you ;-)

Thanks for taking the time to comment - you are very appreciated!