Today really is only a travel day for me... but I didn't want to let this day pass by without saying "Hi" to you all - do you miss me yet ? :-) So right now I am possibly up in the air on my way to Salt Lake City.
I also wanted to share the little gifts that I made for my "roomies". (Hey there Nikki, Marci, Deidre, Amy and Amy)
In all the prior years that I have gone to convention we were provided with ID pouches. These are nifty wallets with several compartments and the outside holds the convention ID. Since we are not provided with them anymore, but I still have mine I let the girls borrow some of mine last year. But this year we are more going as a group, so I didn't want to do the loaner thing again. I wanted to get them the same ones but couldn't find them and had compromise and get one that was just a little simpler but will still do the job!
Of course I had to girlie them up a bit and make them look a little stylish... Here is what I am talking about:
The Butterflies were die cut from Vinyl, then stamped in black StazOn with the Razzle Dazzle set. The Body was punched out with the Word Window Punch from Vinyl. The Antenna was dotted with a silver sharpie...
I'll be back tomorrow to share one of my convention swaps... So make sure and check back!

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