
************************************************************************************************************************ Just a little reminder: I do use "retired" items in my projects so current customers can get inspired! You will notice that once you click on the listed items as they will not show up in my SU! store! ALL cards are now posted to Facebook only! So please be sure to click on the link below...


Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Rob!

Today is Rob’s Birthday and I just wanted to say Happy Birthday in a different way…
This year I decided to make him a digital card, well I’ve printed it off and will have given it to him by now…
Of course I used my new toy “My Digital Studio” for that. It was real easy and fun! And you could even send it as an e-mail…
Here it is:
My Project 5-001
What a great software!
Enjoy your Friday…

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Rob...and Happy Birthday toyou too Claudia! I didn't realize that you two had birthdays so close! How neat!



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