
************************************************************************************************************************ Just a little reminder: I do use "retired" items in my projects so current customers can get inspired! You will notice that once you click on the listed items as they will not show up in my SU! store! ALL cards are now posted to Facebook only! So please be sure to click on the link below...


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blogger’s Challenge – Halloween

Well I couldn’t share my Blogger’s Challenge item(s) prior to today, because they were for my 1st annual Stamping Trick or Treat!

I am going to share the Make-and-Take project and my welcome treat in this post and then come back with another post of the stampers in costumes so you can vote for a winner.

Here is the little Make-and-Take:

make and take project

It’s a little treat holder made with TWO of the tag from the 2-tags die. The are glued together on the bottom to form a triangle treat holder, sort of.

The images are from the “Wicked Cool” Stamp set. Colors used: Tangerine Tango, Peach Parfait, Basic Black, Wild Wasabi (Greeting), Basic Gray (Spider Web). The bat is the “bat punch” from “My Digital Studio” but cut out (larger) on my Cricut with the Sure Cuts a lot software…

And this was my basket filled with the little welcome TREATS:

spooky treats

And a close up of one of them:

treat close

I bought those treat stick at Sams Club and they had the jelly treat already attached! All I did was added the Tag and Bat. Again, using “My Digital Studio” because I only have one real Halloween Stamp Set, which we used in the project :-)

Here is a little preview of our stampers in costume:

make and take time

Don’t forget to come back to vote later on!

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