
************************************************************************************************************************ Just a little reminder: I do use "retired" items in my projects so current customers can get inspired! You will notice that once you click on the listed items as they will not show up in my SU! store! ALL cards are now posted to Facebook only! So please be sure to click on the link below...


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Christmas Card and Sketch

Today I wanted to post a Christmas Card for you guys and came across a neat sketch provide by my German Demonstrator friends Andrea & Nadia. And get this, some pre-cut cardstock that I had on my desk (leftover from a class) was already border punched, worked perfect with this sketch:


I only had to cut down my image layers to make them square!

Here is what my “recycled” card supplies made:

Little Ornaments_challenge

I used just one little wheel (Little Ornaments) in my jumbo handle with the spindle a spacer, and have to tell you it works great! The little ornaments were colored in with Markers and I added tiny Pearls. The big ornament (from Contempo Christmas) was stamped in Cherry Cobbler CRAFT ink and embossed with clear Embossing Powder, then punched out with the matching punch. The Cherry Cobbler Layer was textured with the Northern Flurry Embossing Folder, then Cherry Cobbler ink was sponged across the snowflakes… and shimmer spray was added, of course!

I really like this color combo of Cherry Cobbler, Early Espresso and Crumb Cake with white… Why don’t you give it a try?


  1. Hallo Claudia, Deine Karte ist klasse geworden. Ich liebe das Rot (bei uns Chili) und endlich haben wir auch mehr tolle Stempelsets. Danke fürs mitmachen. LG aus Germany/Bavaria Andrea

  2. Wow Claudia, die ist total schön geworden. Toll das Du wieder mitgemacht hast. Ganz liebe Grüße, Nadia

  3. deine Karte ist wunderschön.Gefällt mir sehr gut.

    Liebe Grüße

  4. Hallo
    deine Karte ist einfach genial.
    Die Farben und der Stempe und die kleinen Halbperlen. Mir gefällt sie total gut.

    Liebe Grüße


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