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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oversized Birthday Card

Today is my Birthday and my dear husband not only made my birthday card himself, but it also is “slightly” larger than the usual card :-)

See for yourself:

Rob's card

And the inside:

rob's card open

…with “built-in” gift! Love it! How creative… he stamped, colored, punched and used ribbon!

He said he couldn’t find an envelope big enough though… Yeah, good luck with that LOL.

Thanks Honey – you’ve made my day :-)


  1. Claudia how cute is that, your husband deserves a big kiss for being sentimental. Happy Birthday to you!

  2. Awww, what a sweet thoughtful husband! And he knew just where to find what he needed to make your card - wonder if he could have used even larger paper, your card would have been even bigger lol. Happy belated!


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