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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blogger's Challenge - Alter It

Even though I am very late... I still managed to alter an item. That's what we were supposed to do last Friday, ahem...

Well you all know how much I like to kill 2 birds with one stone, so to speak... And decided to alter an item for my Monday Hostess.

And because I always like to surprise my ladies, I wasn't able to post until the meeting was held last night ;-)

Here it is:

for mollie

The "altering" was very easy and done with some pretty Rub-On's from last years Sale-a-Bration. I also added one to the candle. The glass  candle holder was purchased from Target a while back...

Gotta run and get ready for the next meeting.

More pictures tomorrow!



  1. Gorgeous Claudia! I'm sure she loved it! {SMILES}

  2. Gorgeous Claudia, I love it. This would be a perfect combo for a wedding or wedding gift.

  3. What an elegant idea! Gorgeous job!!! I also LOVE the flip flops!!! Those are too cute....

  4. So elegant! Just lovely....and worth the wait!! I may be using this idea....LOVE it!

  5. VEry pretty! What a great gift. Totally worth the wait!!

  6. This is gorgeous Claudia! I would love to try something like this! :D

  7. I am beind as usual on BC comments - This is stunning! Love your idea of altering things with the Rub Ons! Love it!


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