just a little reminder

just a little reminder
Just a little reminder: I do use "retired" items in my projects so current customers can get inspired! You will notice that once you click on the listed items as they will not show up in my SU! store

Sunday, June 28, 2009

In Color Sneak Peek

Well you know it is getting closer and closer... and before you know it July 1st will be here with all it's new In-Colors!

I thought I'd share a project that I had my downline girls do this month during our meeting. A Tri-Shutter card! View closed:


And open:


I am not going to list the new colors, but can tell you that I've used all but one! ;-)

Aren't those just nice and rich? You have to come by and take a look at those very soon... and maybe this time around one will make it a routine to order Ink Pad AND re-inker at the same time? Hint, hint...this way nobody will miss out next year...

Quick instructions:
Start with a 12″ long piece of card stock that is 5 1/2 “ tall. Score at 2″, 4″, 8″ and 10″
Turn the card stock and now measure 1 ½” in from the long side. Use your craft knife and make a slit starting at the 2″ score and bring it down to the 10″ score mark. Make sure to do this on BOTH long sides.
Note: I simply used my paper cutter for this step! I aligned it at the 1 ½” mark and cut straight from one score line to the other… and repeated it on the other side!

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. I so much enjoy your use of the new colors. This card just pops off the page.

  2. Wow! This card is gorgeous!! I love the new colors!

  3. Die Karte ist ja so schön geworden. Tolles Papier und Stempel. Ich hoffe, dass wir dieses Jahr auch in den Genuß der IN COLORS kommen.
    LG Andrea


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