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Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Paper Storage

Well my friend Cindy P. asked me the other day if I knew someone that might want to buy her wire paper storage system. She had bought it a while back when our first LSS closed and now she is re-organizing and doesn't have room for it anymore.

I told her I would buy it from her and if I can't make it work I know I would find someone else that would want it.

Well yesterday she brought it by - it has room for 8 1/2 x 11 AND 12 x12 CS! So exiting...  And instead of finishing for the scrapbook class (which is today) I started out to see if her (now mine) floor wire rack would come apart - and it did :-)  Soooo, I tore apart my old paper storage system. Which contained of THE different size paper slot systems.  It was rather cluttered and I had to store 2 colors of CS in one slot to make those work.

After a fairly long time of working on that, re-organizing adjacent storage areas (to find room for other things that were sitting on top of the old paper cubicles), I am happy to report that I now have an awesome system!

See here:


(just for those that wonder how I store 12x12 CS... on the left side of the wooded cube shelf, I have another floor model wire rack for 12x12 CS only - I've had that for years now... thanks Kate!)

Let's see just how long I can keep that desk that neat :-)

OK - I better get going to cut the supplies for the class this evening...

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. wow, alles Dein Papier. Da kann man ja richtig neidisch werden. Würd ja zu gern noch mehr von Deinem Reich sehen.


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