just a little reminder

just a little reminder
Just a little reminder: I do use "retired" items in my projects so current customers can get inspired! You will notice that once you click on the listed items as they will not show up in my SU! store

Sunday, February 26, 2012

GESSO techniques are FUN

As promised I am back with the technique class samples for February!
I called the technique “Gesso Re-Inker Wash” because I made it up after I saw something similar using other supplies and thought I can do that my way!

Here is card #1:

the open sea_gesso

LOVE the background!!!!

And here is card #2:

inspired by nature_gesso

Now this technique is pretty messy and if you don’t want colored fingers, you may have to use rubber gloves. It’s A LOT of fun and the backgrounds are GORGEOUS!

If you were not able to come to the class, you can still purchase the online tutorial for $5 (if paying cash or check… $6 if using PayPal).

The Tutorial is ready -  Just send me an email so we can make arrangements…

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